Minutes of the 99th Annual General Meeting held at Thorpe Bowl Club on 24th November 2022
Terry Stevens, Brian Hobbs, Ron Bennett, Adrian Mann, Mark Hale, David Watts, Clive Pettican, Peter Halliday, Brian Hopkins, Thorpe, Peter White, Happy Valley, Ian Johnston, Holland on Sea, Bryan Humphrey, Kirby, David Barnyard, Dovercourt, Graham Dansey, Brightlingsea, Nigel Foakes, Brantham, Alan Wilcox, Frinton, Karen Thompson, Mistley & Manningtree, Martin Toole, Wivenhoe, Albert Twells, Wivenhoe, Derek Emms, Wivenhoe, Nigel Harridge, Wivenhoe, Ken Clarke, Wivenhoe, Ken Vivash, Holland on Sea, Barry Cooper, Holland on Sea, Norman Morgan, Clacton, Phil Armstrong, Frinton, David West, Frinton, I Clarke, Mistley & Manningtree, T Henman, Mistley & Manningtree, R Dunn, Holland on Sea, Derreck Parry, Brantham, Steve Dansey, Brightlingsea
The President opened the meeting with a one minutes silence in respect of those members who had passed away since the last AGM.
The President then thanked all those present, due to the poor weather conditions, for attending this AGM. He thought it could have been the highest attendance he had known. He also like give a big thank to the Officers and Members of the Association for all their work done during the season.
The minutes of the AGM held on 25th November 2021 and were approved and signed by the President.
There were no matters arising from the minutes
Hon. Secretary Report
The Secretary informed the meeting that Bowls England would not be sending a team to play Tendring for our centenary celebrations but that the Chelsea Pensioners would be attending in May. There would be a cost for this game but it has already been allocated. He then went on to inform the meeting this would be his last as Secretary so he thanked everybody for making his office an enjoyable one and thanked Ron Bennett for his help and best of luck to him if he is voted in as the new Secretary.
There would be no refunds for players pulling out of competitions.
Election of Officers & Committee for 2022/2023
President B. Hobbs (Clacton)
Vice President P. Halliday (Happy Valley)
Past President T. Stevens (Thorpe)
Hon. Secretary R. Bennett (Wivenhoe) Proposed P.Halliday Seconded A. Mann (Thorpe) Carried
Hon. Treasurer A. Mann (Thorpe)
League Secretary R. Bennett (Wivenhoe)
Competition Sec P. Armstrong (Frinton) Proposed P.White Seconded D.Barnard Carried
Match Secretary M. Hale (Thorpe)
Assistant Team Capt B. Hopkins (Thorpe) Proposed P. Armstrong Seconded P.White Carried
At this stage of the meeting T. Stevens, President and C. Pettican, Hon. Secretary stood down.
The League Secretary thanked everybody from Officers to all bowlers for last season. There were a few problems but they had been sorted out very quickly. Fixtures will be available as soon as possible. A big thank you was given to Clive for all his help in the hand over.
Hon. Competition Secretary
The Competition Secretary thanked the League Secretary for all his help in running the competitions. There had been 85 players during the season so he was hoping that there would be an increase this forthcoming season. He felt the competitions had run very smoothly. Wivenhoe stated that this was not the case as some Windsor games had been organised for two a week and that the mixed pairs and pairs competition had the same dates. The Competition apologised for this, and every effort would be made to make sure this did not happen again. Refunds would not be given to players if they pull out of any competition.
Hon. Match Secretary
There are still 2 indoor games to be completed. Women will be allowed to play in these games. Sheets will be distributed to clubs. The Chelsea Pensioners Centenary game is going ahead and will have to be paid for by the League. £300 had been forwarded to this where the Treasurer had run 4 raffles at matches. He proposed that the match fees have to be increased due to rise of providing food at games. He would speak to the players regarding this.
Hon. Treasurer
The Treasurer reported we were £600 down but felt there was no reason to increase membership fees for the forthcoming season. Could Clubs please enter their name on any cheques sent into the Treasurer. The cost of pennants had gone up by 25%. Engraving, website and officials’ expense was still to be finalised.
At this moment in time pennants were presented to winners: Premier League Happy Valley, Stanford League Thorpe, Windsor A Dovercourt, Windsor B Frinton.
Wivenhoe and Brightlingsea had both asked for more games to be played on a Wednesday. The meeting was reminded that Clubs could change any Saturday game to the following Friday as long as both Clubs agreed to it and as per rule.
Brantham proposed that Ladies could play in the Windsor A. They were informed that the Windsor League would be run as per the season just gone.
Proposal from Dovercourt asking the Windsor League teams be increased to four triples per team instead of the current three triples. After a discussion it was decided that, like the Brantham proposal, the League would be run as per the current season.
Wivenhoe proposed and seconded by Brightlingsea that the rule regarding league games to be cancelled when club members were selected to play in the Middleton cup. This was not carried.
Dovercourt had asked that the current three triples be increase to four triples. There was no seconder so the proposal was lost and the competition would continue as three triples. Not carried
P.Halliday, on behalf of the Committee, proposed wording change to Rule 6.
If a Match is not played BOTH clubs must inform the League Secretary immediately. If the reason for Abandonment or Postponement have come about through reasons other than those in Rule 8g (i, ii, iii) the offending side will be deducted 10 points (carried over to the next year if relegation ensues) and 30 shots from their shot total and the Opponents will be awarded 5 points and 30 shots to their total. (Continue paragraph as written)
Proposed wording change to Rule 8 Postponement or Abandonment
(a) Teams must adhere to the dates agreed as Fixtures. No Postponements or Abandonments being allowed except on account of:
(i) Adverse Weather Conditions (Temperatures of 30 degrees or above, Waterlogged Green or Lightening).
(ii) Insufficient Daylight.
(iii) Unfit green.
(b) The decision for Postponement or Abandonment from the above causes (8a i,ii,iii) will be made by the Home Team Captain in consultation with the away Team Captain who must be present at the Green with their Squad. No weather-related Postponements will be made by Phone or before 1 hour before the game is due to proceed. (Continue paragraph as written)
Both proposals were carried
Teams will be allowed to select female players as per this season just completed. It was proposed that we contact the Tendring Ladies. Carried
Wivenhoe proposed that the Windsor games be restricted to one game a week and that the number of teams in each league be reduced to accommodate this so if a third league is required then is should be established. A close watch on this would take place depending on how many teams there are. Carried
Any other business
There was no other business
The President thank, once again, all present for turning out and closed the meeting at 2050.
Minutes of the 97th Annual General Meeting held at Brightlingsea Bowling Club on 25th November 2021.
Terry Stevens, Clive Pettican, Mark Hale, Peter Halliday, Ron Bennett, Dave Watts.
Nigel Foulkes Brantham, Connor Mathers Brightlingsea, Brian Hobbs Clacton, David Barnard Dovercourt, Alan Wilcox Frinton, Peter White Happy Valley, Keith Ashman, Kirby, Peter Andrews Mistley and Manningtree, Brian Hopkins Thorpe, Mick Toole Wivenhoe.
The Vice President opened the meeting with a minutes silence for those members who had passed away since the last AGM.
Apologies for their absence were received from Adrian Mann and Ernie Goodyear.
The minutes of the AGM held on 7th November 2019 were approved and signed by Clive Pettican.
There were no matters arising from those minutes.
Secretaries Report.
Clive explained that the clubs had returned to something like normal with all three leagues operating, together with the Inter Club Knockout Competition and the Tendring Competitions. However, socialising after games was restricted and it remains to be seen if this will return to something like normal in 2022.
All clubs returned their league entry forms for 2022 and there were nine teams entered in the Premier League and six for the Stanford. Therefore, as previously discussed two teams were relegated from the Premier League, Kirby and Clacton B and Holland on Sea were promoted from the Stanford.
Seventeen teams were entered in the Windsor League, Kirby A were relegated from the Windsor A League and Wivenhoe B were promoted from the Windsor B. One new team was entered, Frinton B and they were put in the Windsor B League. Therefore there are eight teams in the Windsor A League and nine in the Windsor B League.
There was an increase in the number of entries for the Tendring Knockout Competitions to eighty eight players. Due to Phil Armstrong not standing for re election as Competition Secretary and no nominations being received for this position we have decided to split the Competition Secretaries role within the committee between Peter Halliday and myself, Peter will handle all the on field duties on semi final and finals day whilst I will do the admin behind the scenes.
2023 is the centenary of THDBA and we are pleased to announce that agreement has been reached for a game against the Chelsea Pensioners and hopefully another one against Bowls England, further detail will be announced in due course.
The idea of holding our meetings at different clubs appears to have gone down well and we intend to continue this in the future.
League Secretaries Report.
Ron Bennett explained that the league season had gone smoothly and he was looking forward to 2022. Ron explained that the publication of the league fixtures would be delayed next year as he waited for Essex Competition dates to try and reduce the amount of clashes.
Competition Secretaries Report.
As this post is vacant please see Clive’s comments above.
Match Secretaries Report.
Mark explained that he had arranged the Tendring fixtures for 2022 and asked that more players put their names down for games.
Treasurer’s Report.
In Adrian’s absence due to having to work he sent in a report which Clive Pettican read out.
Adrian said that he had prepared the accounts which were checked and verified by Clive and any questions which were not answered on the night could be E Mailed to him. The account balance sheet was handed out at the AGM.
Adrian thanked the committee for not putting any expenses in this year which was a great help with income being reduced.
Adrian said that there would be increased expenditure with the centenary in 2023 with two prestige games being arranged, both of which had to be paid for in advance.
Adrian said we need to decide if the committee are going to purchase Tendring shirts and how we would recoup that money if we went ahead.
Adrian said we had lost four sponsors this year and encouraged players to think if they knew anyone who would be interested in placing an advert in the handbook or sponsoring the Tendring shirt purchase.
Adrian said the association’s financial assets were £2,745.93 at the year end.
Several proposals were voted on, here are the results.
From Wivenhoe.
Propose that the Tendring Two Wood competition is played to 21 ends and that it is played on one day down to the last four players who then enter the competition at the semi final.
This would bring the competition into line with the National and CountyTwo Wood competitions.
For 10. Against 0.
Wivenhoe Bowls Club proposes that the Windsor League should remain as three rinks of triples for the following reasons.
- With 3 rinks, 2 teams could play on the same green allowing clubs to enter more than 2 teams. It would allow any one club the option of entering a maximum of 4 teams ie 36 players as opposed to the current restriction of 24 players.
- There may be clubs that do not have 12 regular players but could find 9 players.
- This format would allow greater flexibility for both small and large clubs.
For 6. Against 4.
Brantham’s proposal of going back to 4 rinks in the Windsor was not voted upon as the Wivenhoe proposal was received first and proposals are voted on in the order they were received.
From Clacton.
- County 2 Wood Day. No league games played so that players may enter.
- County Semi Finals. No league games played so that players can go and support teams.
- County Finals. No league games played so that players can go and support teams from our area.
At this stage Peter Halliday asked Brian Hobbs ( Clacton Delegate) if he could add a supplementary proposal ‘that if any Tendring players were playing in the Middleton Cup any league games affected could be rearranged by right and not need the agreement of both clubs involved. Brian agreed to this as the forth proposal.
Proposal 1. For 10. Against 0.
Proposal 2. For 9. Against 1.
Proposal 3. For 9. Against 1.
Proposal 4. For 7. Against 2. Abstentions 1.
Finally an emergency motion from the committee appertaining to the Windsor League.
Following our recent discussion around ladies playing in the Windsor League in accordance with our decision on the 10th April 2021to allow such action pending review we the committee propose the following.
“ That the Windsor Leagues remain open to the selection of ladies be it out of necessity or merit for the coming season and furthermore if this is deemed successful and acceptable through our delegate meetings proposals will be put forward at next years AGM to address any constitutional changes that need to be made to make this a permanent change to the W
indsor League’s format.”
The committee have submitted this emergency motion as the anticipated motion from the delegates has not been received and the outstanding matter of ladies playing in the Windsor Leagues needed to be resolved.
For 8. Against 2.
Election of Officers.
President Terry Stevens.
Vice President. Brian Hobbs.
Immediate Past President. Ernie Goodyear.
Secretary. Clive Pettican.
Treasurer. Adrian Mann.
League Secretary. Ron Bennett.
Competition Secretary. Vacant.
Match Secretary. Mark Hale.
Committee Member. Peter Halliday.
There is a vacancy for one committee member so if the club secretaries could let their members know and anyone who is interested please contact the secretary Clive Pettican.
As the Windsor League is remaining at three rinks any clubs wishing to enter more teams need to let me know by 31st December. Any additional teams will go into the Windsor B League. An equalisation process will be applied to ensure the leagues remain equal.
Any Other Business.
The President Terry Stevens closed the meeting at 20.50.
Minutes of the 96thTendring Hundred & District Bowling
Association Management
Annual General Meeting held on 7th November 2019
Dave Watts, Ernie Goodyear, Clive Pettican, Mark Hale
Nigel Foulkes Brantham, Brian Hobbs Clacton, Ron Spendlove Dovercourt, Dave West Frinton, Brian Ward Happy Valley, Jim Tank Holland on Sea, Frank Quinn Kirby, Peter Andrews Mistley & Manningtree, Terry Stevens Thorpe, Ron Bennett Wivenhoe
The President opened the meeting with a minutes silence for those members who had passed away since the last AGM.
Apologies for their absence were received from Adrian Mann and Phil Armstrong.
The minutes of the AGM held on 8th November 2018 were approved and signed by Dave Watts.
There was no matters arising from those minutes.
Secretaries Report
Clive explained that we had largely a new committee this year and thanked the clubs, their members and the delegates for bearing with us whilst we all learned and came to terms with our new roles.
Clive thanked Gary Robinson, the departing Web Master, and welcomed his replacement Ron Bennett.
Clive announced that Ray Hunt would not be standing for re election as Match Secretary and thanked him for his time and commitment in the role and to show the committees appreciation Mark Hale proposed that Ray become a Life Member of the Association which was passed unopposed.
Clive explained that this year he had attempted to obtain new sponsorship from Stena Shipping Line but was not successful. Clive asked that if any clubs or delegates had any ideas in this area he would be pleased to hear from them and would vigorously pursue any leads.
Clive said that Wivenhoe’s letter to Phil Armstrong on 10th August regarding an incident on What’s App was discussed by the committee and it was agreed the incident had been satisfactorily dealt with and no changes were required in the current use of this new tool whcih generally worked very well during the season.
Clive explained that the presentation dinner/dance at the Clacton Gold Club was in itself a success except that only 46 tickets were sold and the Association just about broke even. Clive explained that the Association was not in the business of making a profit but we did need to atleast break even and if prices increase next year this may not be possible. Clive said the committee would endeavour to publicise next years event more effectively but would ask the delegates to take this message back to their committee’s who would, hopefully, emphasise to their members that the event was in danger next year.
The committee would discuss in January the details of next years dinner/dance including the venue and the cost.
League Secretaries Report:
Phil Armstrong has resigned from this post and in his absence Ernie Goodyear reported that he had completed the Windsor League fixtures and had produced drafts for the Premier and Stanford leagues dependent on the outcome of the vote below.
Competition Secretaries Report
Due to Phil Armstrong’s absence there was no report
Match Secretaries Report
Outgoing Match Secretary Ray Hunt sent a report which Clive Pettican read out. Ray said that with the help of the clubs and members all match commitments were fulfilled during the season.
During Ray’s years as Match Secretary we had achieved 100% turnout.
All outdoor games had been allocated on a rota basis bringing in extra cash for those clubs involved.
Ray thanked the clubs caterers and green keepers for their efforts without whom there would not have been any games.
Ray was surprised when he heard that a nomination had been received for the position of Match Secretary, however, to save any embarrassment Ray decided he would not go forward for re-election.
Treasurer’s Report
In Adrian’s absence due to his wedding anniversary he sent in a report which Clive Pettican read out.
Adrian thanked everyone for their support in his first year as treasurer and thanked Ernie for checking the books.
There had been extra expense this year on pennants, lapel badges £482.34, bowls stickers £61.33, Umpire £50, 100 more first time badges £284.94, however all of these will last us for a number of years.
Adrian reiterated Clive’s comments on the dinner/dance.
Adrian said we could do with more company’s coming forward to advertise in our handbook so if anyone knew of any companies who might be interested please let Clive or himself know.
Adrian thanked Peter Halliday for his continued support and OPS UK Ltd who had come forward this year.
Adrian said he is still waiting for the competition fees from Phil Armstrong and had asked Phil to send these to him.
Several proposals were voted on and here are the results.
From Frinton.
All clubs in the Premier League to submit their 12 (genuine) A team players prior to the start of the season, these players would then be ineligible to play in the Windsor League. Any unnamed player playing 2/3 times for their Premier League A side would also become ineligible to play in the Windsor League.
For 3, Against 7
Wivenhoe Bowls Club is keen to have a mixed league and we propose that we have a mixed league with 2/3 rinks per team. Every rink to have one person of each gender. We suggest Monday evening as this inconveniences the least Players.
For 3, Against 6
Suggestions raised at the last delegates meeting to be voted on.
Tendring Two Wood competition to be a one day event at one Club.
For 9, Against 1
It is too late to implement this for 2019 but Clive will contact all clubs to ascertain who is interested in holding this and convenient dates and the revised Two Wood competition will run from 2020.
Knockout Trophy/Plate to remain as the current format.
For 1, Against 8
The committee will discuss the new format for implementation in 2020.
Ladies to be able to play in the Windsor League should any club need to use them.
For 3, Against 5
In view of the above result a proposal was received from Peter Andrew of Mistley and Manningtree and seconded by Jim Tang that the Windsor League games consisted of 3 teams instead of 4.
For 2, Against 7
This result prompted furter discussion and it was explained that Mistley and Manningtree only have 10 men available to play in the Windsor League and would need to resign from this league if they were not able to make up the numbers from their ladies. It was agreed that an exception could be made for Mistley and Manningtree to make up any shortfall by using their ladies for next season only after which the situation would be reviewed. A proposal was received to this effect.
For 9, Against 0
Two down from the Premier League and one up from the Stanford League.
For 9, Against 1
Wednesday evening matches with meals to be dropped. This was discussed in some detail and it was agreed that there was no issue to vote on.
Election of Officers
President Ernie Goodyear
Vice President Terry Stevens
Immediate Past President Dave Watts
Secretary Clive Pettican
Treasurer Adrian Mann
League Secretary Ron Bennett
Competition Secretary Phil Armstrong
Match Secretary Mark Hale
Committee Member Peter Halliday
There is a vacancy for one committee member so if the club secretaries could let their members know and anyone who is interested please contact the secretary Clive Pettican.
Any Other Business
Ernie Goodyear will liaise with new League Secretary Ron Bennett regarding the league fixtures.
The outgoing President Dave Watts closed the meeting at 21.20
Minutes of the Tendring Hundred & District Bowling Association Management
Annual General Meeting held on 8th November 2018 at Clacton Indoor B.C.
Members Present
John Hall, D Watts, D Warren, C Pettican, E Goodyear, R Hunt, B Hopkins, M Hale
The President and Chairman, John Hall, welcomed the delegates and thanked everyone for attending. This was John’s last meeting as Chairman and he thanked everyone for their support during his term.
Minutes of the last Management Committee Meeting held on 9th November having been previously circulated were approved and signed.
Matters arising from those minutes. None.
Officers Reports:
Secretary: As this was David’s last meeting as Secretary he thanked everyone for their support during his period in office. David was presented with a gift from the committee and thanked for the commitment to the role as Secretary over the last ten years.
League Secretary: This was also Ernie’s last meeting as League Secretary and he thanked everyone for their help and cooperation during his term in office.
There will be 9 teams in the Premier League, 6 in the Stanford and 15 in the Windsor League and 18 in the Knockout Cup.
The Premier teams will play each other home and away totalling 18 games with one team resting each game.
The Stanford will play each other 4 times home and away totalling 20 games.
The Windsor will be split into two leagues of 8 and 7 playing each other 3 times totalling 21 and 18 respectively, games which will be played on Tuesdays bar one on 5th September.
The Knockout Cup has 18 entries which means there will be 2 games in the preliminary round then 8 games being played in round one with the winners going into the Trophy and the losers going into the Plate.
Ernie handed out the League fixtures to the delegates for 2019.
Ernie said he would be available to help his successor if needed and he would still be on the committee as Vice President.
Match Secretary:
Ray Hunt thanked Mark Hale for his assistance with getting players to play in games.
Competition Secretary:
Clive Pettican thanked Brightlingsea and Kirby for hosting the semi finals and finals of the competitions and asked delegates of these clubs to pass those comments to the officials and volunteers involved who ensured both weekends ran smoothly.
Clive explained that 76 players had entered competitions for 2019, same as 2018, which enabled the prize money to be maintained at £25 for the Winners and £15 for the Runners Up.
The draw was made with Dave Warren on the 15th October.
Clive explained he was stepping down from this role and thanked the players and clubs for their support during his time in office.
David Warren distributed the end of year statement and thanked Ernie for carrying out the audit. The figures were similar to 2017 but with income exceeding expenditure by £125.84 so our current position is £2778.22.
Proposal by Wivenhoe Bowls Club:
That clubs having been selected and agreed to the use of their club for THDBA outdoor representative matches in 2019 receive the same hospitality payments from all those participating in those games. If there is a conflict between teams in charges then the higher charge should be adopted.
This proposal was then discussed by the delegates and supported by Thorpe.
David Warren then explained that the clubs were invited to host the matches and knew the total income before agreeing to host the match. THDBA still has to pay the host club if any players don’t turn up.
Essex County paid £10 in 2018, £6.50 to the host club and £3.50 to Essex County.
The 2019 fixtures and fees have already been agreed.
This proposal means players from Tendring will pay more and there would be a danger less players would put their names down and we could lose these matches.
Ray Hunt said clubs pay £10 at Witham.
John Hall suggested that the committee should discuss this further with 2020 in mind.
The proposal was put to a vote and the delegates votes in favour 2 and against 7.
It was also agreed to discuss this matter at the next delegates meeting.
Election of Officers:
The Hon. Secretary reported the nominations were as follows:
President Dave Watts
Vice President Ernie Goodyear
Past President John Hall
Secretary Clive Pettica
Treasurer Adrian Mann
League Secretary Phil Armstrong
Competition Secretary Phil Armstrong
Match Secretary Ray Hunt
Committee Members Mark Hale, Peter Halliday, Melvyn Blackshaw
No nominations from the floor were made.
All the above were voted onto the Committee.
Any other business:
Terry Stevens said he was disappointed that no apology had been received from Happy Valley or Peter Halliday.
Gary Robinson said the website would be the same but with a link to a second web site run by League Republic. However 2019 would be a trial and this would only be set up for the Premier and Stanford Leagues. Gary explained that as soon as results are entered the league table is automatically updated.
Gary suggested results could be sent to Phil Armstrong shortly after the games whilst still at the club house thus increasing efficiency with the card to be posted in the normal manner.
Phil Armstrong said it was important that players on the scorecards are registered.
Frinton said no mobiles would be allowed on their green in 2019 except for an emergency.
Frinton said abuse on the green would not be tolerated and would be reported immediately to the committee.
Frinton said they have tables for sale at £20 Ono.
Terry Stevens said that there had been occasions this year when players wore shorts of dubious quality. There was a discussion on this about wearing Bowls England shorts only or if not at least tailored shorts. Terry said that his club would monitor the situation.
Date of Next Meeting:
Management Meeting Thursday 24th January 2019 at Clacton Indoor BC
Group 1 Pre Season Meeting Thursday 4th April 2019 – confirmed by Group
THDBA Pre Season Meeting Thursday 11th April 2019 at Clacton Indoor BC
The new President Dave Watts thanked the delegates and committee and closed the meeting.